Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Remediation Answers

Farhanah sez: "Does photography really make the artist obscure like the author says? Can photography and real art i.e. paintings, sculptures, etc. be compared with the likes of photography? Are they really trying to achieve the same results.

Man, that's more than one question, Farhanah. First of all, photography can, and does, obscure the photographer, but only if the photographer has the intent to remove his or herself from an environment. Photojournalism places the photographer at the scene, whereas many versions of artistic photography serve to remove the photographer from the setting. Photography also can serve similar functions in terms of other art forms; the problem in this relation is that art is such a widely functioning term. I could take a picture of the letter "i." Could I call that art? Absolutely. It depends, however, on the vehicle in which I'm attempting to create something new utilizing functional structures around my own sphere of life. 

Are you trying to make this  a philosophical question out of the ten minutes that we have to answer it? 

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